
My name is Ashley. I am 24 yrs old and I am running my first 1/2 Marathon on 3.7.10. I will be heading from Boston to Orlando to run the 2010 Disney Princess Half Marathon. Please enjoy my journey over the next months, as I track my training and thoughts about becoming a runner!

My 1/2 Marathon is in....

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nike+ Human Race 10K!

Well I completed my second 10K in 01:05:04 today. I litereally just signed up a few days ago. I definitely wasnt planning on doing another one so soon! I was a minute slower than a few weeks ago due to inclement weather....rain puddles mist etc. This was being tracked by my Nike +, they didnt have chrono chips since it was a free race. But all in all it was more of a fun run than anthing. I highly suggest you get a Nike+ (See post on my other blog "A little Bit of Everything" to track your progress. Since 8/28/09 I have run almost 70 miles! So crazy! Definitely a cool race..free dry fit t and free food :)

Here is a pic of Derly and I after we finished!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Spinning Victory

Tonight I went to spin class for the first time in over a month. I had been focusing on running since the end of August. I wanted to share that it was the easiest spin class Ive probably ever taken. I did the same resistance as usual. There were just a few subtle differences. It physically jsut wasnt as hard, I didnt sweat as much and I drank less water....these combined mean one thing...my stamina/endurance has built up! I could actually tell a huge difference and I know its because Ive run so much...over 50 miles since 8/28! Its really amazing how the human body can change and stregthen! Its a great feeling :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

10K under my belt!!

My official time for my 10K was 1:04:14 which was an amazing time! I thought id be finishing around 1:20:00 so that was huge for me. I did finish without stopping as well. I ran with a bottle of water so I was able to cruise through the water stations! It was a great day. Can't wait to start training for my half marathon now!!!!

This is a horrible action pic of me rounding the corner to the finish!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Tufts Health Plan 10K for Women

Wow I can't believe its here! I am running my first 10K on Monday. My Mom will be there to see me cross the finish of a 6.2 mile race. I will be happy when this is over so that I can move on to my new mile stone of half marathon training for March! I am so excited!!!

My goal is under 01:30:00 without stopping! Really shooting for 11 min miles 72-75 mins!

I will post the results on monday!

Have a great Columbus Day Weekend Everyone!

Monday, October 5, 2009

One Week Until my 10K

My first 10K is in 1 week! I cannot believe its finally here! I am confident that I will be able to run it without stopping! I am aiming for 11:30 minute miles finishing in less than an 1 hr 20 mins but we will see. Id rather it take longer and finish than to stop. I am excited to run this and then keep training. I am trying to get to 10 miles before it gets really cold. Then I can add on the other 3 in the spring when it gets a little warmer before the 1/2 Marathon in March. Tomorrow I am going to run 5 miles then rest the rest of the week up until the race. I dont want to risk getting injured too close to the race. Ill let you all know how I do!