
My name is Ashley. I am 24 yrs old and I am running my first 1/2 Marathon on 3.7.10. I will be heading from Boston to Orlando to run the 2010 Disney Princess Half Marathon. Please enjoy my journey over the next months, as I track my training and thoughts about becoming a runner!

My 1/2 Marathon is in....

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hatha Yoga

Happy Sunday....as I mentioned yesterday I fell while running so my knee isnt feeling too hot. I wanted to get some sort of exercise in so Brittany and I walked on the treadmill for 20 Mins and then did an hour of Hatha Yoga. This was my first time trying it...it was much more difficult than id imagine keeping balance and stretching virtually every muscle in the body...Here is my favorite pose the airplane....its definitely important to cross train on the days when youre not running which is every other day to avoid injury!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Bittersweet Saturday

First the positive....I ran 6.47 miles this morning....I am totally ready to take on my 10K in a few weeks!!

The negative is that this morning I woke up at 9 to go to my running club, which starts at 10am. Of course the bus didnt come and I was 5 minutes late and they had all left without me :( so I was pretty bummed because I really wanted to run around Jamaica Pond. The run was supposed be around 3.7 miles....

Then I decided that I was going to go for my own run so I headed down brookline ave towards fenway and then went around the charles..then at 3.28 miles I was going up some stone stairs near the hatchshell, missed a step and fell. My right side took a pretty hard fall...knee gashed open even though I was wearing running tights. I walked it offf for a few then decided since I was downtown I would try running again....needless to say I ran over another 3 miles to get home on comm ave...putting me over 6 miles with just less than a few mins break so I was pretty proud of myself....ive been icing my knee and hopefully it doesnt bruise too bad.

I definitely learned how easy it is to fall so training outside this winter should be interesting for sure!

All and all today was successful despite missing the running club and falling!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Broke 5 Miles tonight!

I ran 5.10 miles in 56:11 at an average pace of 11:00 min miles....my goal is to get another mile in before the 10K on 10/12/09!!

5 mile Tuesdays

Today is my 5 mile run with the City Sports Run club....this is only my second time running that far....On Sunday I want to try to Run 6 in order to fully feel ready for the 10K in a few weeks....The first weekend in October I will be in NYC and will only be able to run on a treadmill if the hotel has a gym...I am starting to get excited to take on more and more miles in preperation for march!

Monday, September 21, 2009

1/2 Marathon Training!

I decided to track my thoughts,feelings, and training log for a 13.1 mile race in Disney! Please offer me feedback if you are a runner or any sentiments are greatly appreciated. Feel free to leave comments or email me at agniven@gmail.com