
My name is Ashley. I am 24 yrs old and I am running my first 1/2 Marathon on 3.7.10. I will be heading from Boston to Orlando to run the 2010 Disney Princess Half Marathon. Please enjoy my journey over the next months, as I track my training and thoughts about becoming a runner!

My 1/2 Marathon is in....

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Struggling/Confession of a Nervous Runner

Ok Folks I have only a little more than a month left until I run my first 1/2 marathon. The last "long" run I had was a few weeks ago. I have been having a hard time running alone. My friend Trish usually does long 9-10 mile runs with me. I didnt run 2 weekends ago at all. This sunday I only ran over 3 with walking in between which I never do. Part of that is that I had WAY too many layers on and I was burning up. I missed run club due to snow last week. Well today in Boston it is Sunny and 40 degrees. I WILL run 5 miles tonight at run club and then run 11 this weekend.

I know that I will have the strength to run the 13.1 to the finish in disney I just need to get up a little closer to feel confident and get my running mojo back. I have also had knee pain ever since my first 9 mile run which makes me a bit nervous now. Hopefully this isnt permanant.

I have a 10K race on February 7th and a 10 Mile run on Feburary 21st which will be my last long run before the race most likely. I am going to try to run the 10K at race pace, but I may not run the 10 mile at race pace just to avoid injury. At least its 2 weeks before.

So thats the update...hopefully I find the motivation I need to get back in the game!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


I am signed up for the Super Sunday 10K on February 7th in Boston and the Old Fashioned 10 Mile race on February 21st in Foxboro, MA. These will definitely get me ready for my Half Marathon on March 7th! It is coming up fast!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Over 10 miles!

Yesterday I ran 10.11 in just under 2 hours. It was 13 degrees in Boston. O M G this was hard. If I can do this I can certainly run 13 in nice sunny florida weather!

Cannot wait! :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Garmin Forerunner 205

I finally ordered one of these to prep me for my last 2 months...my 1/2 Marathon is coming up so soon!
It tracks speed distace pace and calories burned!